Illegal Dumping
What is Illegal Dumping?
Illegal dumping is deliberately abandoned or dumped waste at an unauthorized location.
Illegal dumping is a growing problem.
Environmental Impact
Waste dumping represents 20 percent of the contaminated sites under the federal Contaminated Sites On-Reserve Program (CSOR).
Best Practice Examples
- Locate signage and cameras in areas of known dumping. Trail cameras can be used in most locations, and can be monitored remotely.
- “No Trespass” signs can be effective against non-resident illegal dumping.
- Patrol and remove any dumped material ASAP. Leaving it will only encourage further dumping.
- If you find material dumped – try to identify the owner and return it as found.
- Provide an additional pick-up service at a defined cost to reduce the need to dump.
- Bylaws can help, but needs to be enforced.