Interchange Recycling: Round Up Grants
Interchange Recycling is pleased to announce grant funding is available to Local Governments, First Nations Communities and community recycling organizations for their planning, coordination, and execution of Community Collection or “Round-up” events. Interchange Recycling will provide $1,500 per approved event and along with event marketing support including creative, event signage and social media posts.
Interchange Recycling continues to provide a volume based financial incentive to the registered collection company that is selected by the event organizers to collect and transport the material to an Interchange Recycling-registered processing facility. To find a list of the registered collectors that serve your area of the province please visit their website.
If you are interested in applying for a Round-up Grant, please send an e-mail request to rcf@interchangerecycling.com and include the following information:
- the lead organization for the event
- the location and date for the planned event(s)
- which other stewardship associations will be participating
Requests for marketing support must be submitted to Interchange Recycling at least two weeks prior to the event dates. Please note that in order to issue payment, we need to receive following outcome metrics in writing:
- Used Oil (litres)
- Containers (bags)
- Used AF (litres)
- Vehicle Count Filters (kgs)
- Number of people attended
Please refer to the Interchange Recycling: Round Up Grants Flyer.
Interchange Recycling | interchangerecycling.com | 778-817-0721