3rd Annual IZWTAG Day Conference & Zero Waste Training

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3rd Annual IZWTAG Day Conference & Zero Waste Training

Richmond, BC:  April 23, 24, 25

Location:   Westin Wall Centre Vancouver Airport

3099 Corvette Way, Richmond, BC

Registration Form


Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group is pleased to invite staff and representatives from your community to attend IZWTAG Day 2024 taking place April 23-26, 2024.

As an additional learning opportunity, those registering for Zero Waste training are also automatically registered to attend the Conference.


IZWTAG Day Conference & Zero Waste Training

This three-day event is a resource for learning how to get started in zero waste, best practices, funding opportunities, and network with other communities to see how they run their recycling programs.

We will explore the best practices of First Nations and Product Stewardship, as well as funding options providing by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the Province of British Columbia. IZWTAG offers training and resources to assist First Nations in their zero waste systems efforts within their communities.

Further conference details and agenda will be available soon!


Who Should Attend?

IZWTAG Day 2024 is designed for anyone involved in waste management, recycling, and composting in your Nation. This includes, but is not limited to:


  1. Transfer Station Operators & Supervisors
  2. Waste & Recycling Collectors
  3. Recycling Champions
  4. Eco-Depot Operators & Supervisors
  5. Operations & Maintenance Managers
  6. Public Works Managers
  7. Band Managers
  8. Housing Managers
  9. Environmental Technicians
  10. Lands and Resources Managers


Zero Waste Training

Registrants in the following courses will also be registered to attend the IZWTAG DAY conference – please check your availability for the week.

Choose one course (as these are offered on the same days at the same times):


Basics of Operating Zero Waste Systems (Level1)

This is fundamental training which uses interactive learning, discussion and field visits, to teach practical knowledge about zero waste, including operations, equipment, health and safety, handling material and customer care.  Trainees are provided with a course manual and a starting set of personal protective equipment (PPE). This course is the pre-requisite for Level 2.


Organizing and Managing Zero Waste Systems (Level 2)

An advanced course that covers how to set up and implement key components of waste management and waste reduction systems, including collection, handling and transfer of materials, health and safety, equipment maintenance, tracking and record keeping, and staff supervision.  Trainees are provided with a course manual and a set of personal protective equipment (PPE). Completion of Level 1 is required before taking this course.


Championing Zero Waste Systems (Recycle Champion)

No previous courses required.  Community Recycling Champions can be key to a successful zero waste program.  This course focuses on developing practical skills and resources, a support network, and a passionate perspective on providing communities with a recycling champion who will inspire waste reduction and diversion strategies at home.  The course includes interactive lectures; case studies; discussions; a site visit and demonstrations.




There is limited capacity for this event – with priority given to crew members who need the Zero Waste Training (Level 1, Level 2 & Recycle Champion).  If you would like to secure your spot(s), please register as soon as possible – we expect registration to fill quickly.  Deadline for registration is March 15thKINDLY REGISTER USING THIS ONLINE FORM.

Monday, April 22:                          Travel, hotel check-in

Tuesday, April 23:                         Level 1, Level 2 and Recycle Champion in-class

Wednesday, April 24:                  Level 1 & Recycle Champion (field trips), Level 2 in-class

Wednesday, April 24:                  IZWTAG DAY 2024 Conference (1/2 day)

Thursday, April 25:                        IZWTAG DAY 2024 Conference (full day)

Friday, April 26:                             Hotel check-out, travel


Hotel Accommodation & Meals

Hotel accommodation is available at the Westin Wall Centre. Please note if you would like accommodation on the registration form.  IZWTAG will cover the cost of up to two (2) hotel rooms per Nation.  Breakfast and lunch are provided at the event (January 23, 24 & 25) and dietary restrictions should be included in your registration.  Other meals are the responsibility of the participant and can be included on the travel claim.


Travel Claims

Travel arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the First Nation.  We will reimburse travel costs for up to 2 individuals from each Nation.  A Travel Claim Form will be sent to you at a later date.


Additional participants are welcome from your community at your Nation’s own cost.