Become a Member
IZWTAG offers three types of memberships for those who are interested in zero waste management in First Nations communities: General Member, Associate Member and Honorary Member.
Benefits of membership
General Members
General membership is for the benefit of individuals who are directly responsible for waste management in First Nation communities. Benefits include access to:
- A network of members and experts who can offer support, information and resources
- Subsidies for training costs, including travel, accommodation and registration fees
- Reduced fees for annual membership renewals
- Annual conference on zero waste management in First Nation communities
- IZWTAG roundtables and working groups to tackle concerns and opportunities for First Nations zero waste systems
- IZWTAG annual general meetings (general member have voting rights)
- Free circulation of the Society’s publications, including the Annual Report, the Merganser newsletter and a copy of the annual calendar
As a member of IZWTAG you will contribute to the growth of all First Nation communities, including your own, by sharing your ideas, identifying challenges, developing new skills and strategies, and establishing resource and support networks. To apply or renew your membership, click the General Member link below.
Associate Members
An Associate membership is for organizations wishing to support IZWTAG in its work to benefit First Nations. Associate membership is also open to First Nations youth up to age 18. Associate Members do not have voting rights but are able to:
- Potentially partner with IZWTAG on a range of initiatives e.g. training, service delivery, pilot projects, recognition programs
- Outreach through IZWTAG’s network and seek input on important topics
- Attend IZWTAG’s annual general meetings and conferences
- Join IZWTAG working groups to tackle important policy or solve practical problems
- Receive free circulation of the Society’s publications, including the Annual Report, the Merganser newsletter and a copy of the annual calendar
To apply or renew your Associate membership, click the Associate Member link below.
Honorary Member
Honorary Members are individuals that have performed exceptional services to IZWTAG. Honorary Members have voting rights and receive free lifetime membership. Honorary Members must be nominated.
To nominate a candidate for Honorary Membership, click the Honorary Member link below.